It was calm, productive, and very happy. On Saturday, my unofficially-someday-brother-in-law came over and graciously watched our kids, releasing us from all parental obligations for about 8 hours of Toby Keith & Trace Adkins enjoyment. James Otto opened the concert at Cricket Wireless Ampitheater. It was the same concert I wanted to take Jerry to last year (however, he was in the field then). Sunday brought an usually late morning (9:30 am) for us, and a day of garage cleaning. I managed to clean out a bunch of junk and shredded stacks of 5 year old statements. Every little box brings me closer to moving, and I can feel the excitement deep in my bones.
Way too early this morning, the kids and I slogged out of bed and dropped "Dad" off at work. He is gone until Friday for a backyard shoot. He says that the field time he was supposed to have in September got cancelled, and I sincerely hope it did. It would be about my luck that it was just rescheduled, but I guess I'll just have to wait and see.
I've entered survival mode. I have zero expectations for this week. We will eat, and sleep, and read books. Not too bad altogether, I'd just prefer that my dear husband was home with us instead of playing in the sand. (Just for the record, he wouldn't call it playing.) I have my first Kristan Higgins book and "The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo" to keep me company. If I happen to finish both of those... well, I have a CJ Box that I've been putting off for a bit. Even if I had an caffeine drip, I don't think it would help. I can only pray that the kids sleep at the same time, for a long time. Then maybe I can squeak in a much needed nap.
Happy Surviving...

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